Present your Pay-Direct Card to pharmacists, dentists, and a number of other health professionals for immediate reimbursement (you won’t have to pay the full amount of your bill up front).
Register to submit claims online by visiting or by downloading the GreenShield+ mobile app.
Mail a Claim Form to GreenShield at the address indicated on the form.
All health and dental claims must be received by GreenShield by no later than 12 months after the date the eligible benefit was incurred.
See the Travel Claims page for claiming instructions.
AD&D benefits are insured separately by Canada Life Assurance Company (Policy Number: 157107GH-32). Contact Studentcare for claiming instructions.
ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY THE ASEQ | STUDENTCARE NETWORKSOnly professionals that are members of the ASEQ | Studentcare Networks will appear. To Discover the Studentcare Networks’ Advantages, click on one of the Studentcare Networks below.