A Plan That Fits Your Lifestyle
Your life… your health PlanAs a collective Plan established by students for students, your Plan offers affordable health coverage that often costs less than a parental or employee plan and includes coverage specifically designed for students. We take into account your suggestions and requests about Plan improvements through feedback provided in our membership surveys or collected through the ihaveaplan website. Improvements are made where and when necessary, so that the coverage reflects your wants and needs.
As a collective Plan established by students for students, your Plan offers affordable health coverage that often costs less than a parental or employee plan and includes coverage specifically designed for students.
We take into account your suggestions and requests about Plan improvements through feedback provided in our membership surveys or collected through the ihaveaplan website. Improvements are made where and when necessary, so that the coverage reflects your wants and needs.
Weigh the costs and benefitsBeing enrolled as a dependant in a parent or spouse’s employee benefit plan usually requires your family member to pay additional costs. The student Plan may provide better value. You can also combine it with your other plan to maximize your overall coverage—up to 100%—and eliminate out-of-pocket costs.
Access to health-care provider networksWherever you choose to go for health-care services, you are always covered. The Studentcare Networks have been set up to provide you with additional coverage. By combining the Studentcare Network savings with your insured coverage, you’ll save even more. To find a health-care professional in your area, refer to the Member Services area on the right-hand side of the website.Help when you need itIf you’d like more information on your coverage, a member services centre is set up to answer any questions that you may have about the Plan. This is your Plan and it’s a fair, accessible, and sustainable one. Use it and take advantage of all it has to offer here and abroad. With that in mind, have a safe and healthy year. Student Union Society
ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY THE ASEQ | STUDENTCARE NETWORKSOnly professionals that are members of the ASEQ | Studentcare Networks will appear. To Discover the Studentcare Networks’ Advantages, click on one of the Studentcare Networks below.