Note: Before claiming, create a profile on Desjardins Insurance’s portal and enter your information. Make sure you’re registered for direct deposit so you can have your refund deposited directly into your bank account. Once your profile is created, you’ll be able to track all your submitted claims. For more details, see the Desjardins Insurance website.
Present your Pay-Direct Card to your dentist for immediate reimbursement (you won’t have to pay the full amount of your bill up front). Download the Omni mobile app* or visit Desjardins Insurance’s secure web portal to access your electronic card.
*available on the App Store or Google Play
Register to submit claims through Desjardins Insurance’s secure web portal.
For detailed instructions, see the Desjardins Insurance website.
If you can’t create or access your account on Desjardins Insurance’s mobile app or web portal (e.g. if you’re no longer a student), you can send in a paper form. Submit it, along with the required supporting documentation, through the secure submission page rather than by mail.
Claims submitted through the app or online are processed within 48 hours, meaning you’ll get your refund faster! Make sure you’re registered for direct deposit so you can have your refund deposited directly into your bank account.
Note: You must save your original receipts for 12 months after making a claim.
Need help? Call Desjardins Insurance: 1-800-263-1810.
Note: Reimbursement is based on reasonable and customary fees. The benefit you’re claiming must be paid in full and be in your possession before the end of the policy year.
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