Present your Pay-Direct Card to pharmacists, dentists, and other eligible health professionals for immediate reimbursement (you won’t have to pay the full amount of your bill up front).
Your Member ID for Pay-Direct claims is your Group Number/Prefix SAK + your 6-digit student ID number + your 2-digit dependent code.
The 2-digit dependent code is: 00 for the member (i.e. the student), 01 for the member’s spouse (21, 31, etc. for subsequent spouses), and 02-20 for dependent children (oldest is 02, second oldest is 03, and so on).
Register to submit claims online by visiting or by downloading the Securian Canada Student Health Portal mobile app on the App Store or Google Play.
See the registration guide and the claim submission guide to get started.
Your Member ID for online claims is your Group Number/Prefix SAK + your 6-digit student ID number.
Mail a claim form to Securian Canada at the address indicated on the form.
Your Member ID for claims by mail is your Group Number/Prefix SAK + your 6-digit student ID number + your 2-digit dependent code.
Submit claims to Desjardins Insurance through their secure submission page or by mailing them a claim form. All claims must be received by Desjardins by Nov. 29, 2024.
Please use your Desjardins claiming information: Group Number: Q1218 Certificate Number: Your 9-digit ID number (6 digits preceded by 3 zeros)
See the Travel Claims page for claiming instructions.
Note: Reimbursement is based on reasonable and customary fees. The benefit you’re claiming must be paid in full and be in your possession before the end of the policy year.
ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY THE ASEQ | STUDENTCARE NETWORKSOnly professionals that are members of the ASEQ | Studentcare Networks will appear. To Discover the Studentcare Networks’ Advantages, click on one of the Studentcare Networks below.